Validate registrations to a training

Opigno LMS User manual

Validate registrations to a training

Some trainings may required the registration of students to be validated (see more at Create a training page, at "Visibility settings" section).

As an administrator, or global user manager, or student manager for the trainign, you can validate such pending registrations.

To get a vision of pending registrations, you can add a block on your dashboard that will list all the ones related to the trainings you are allowed to validate registrations (learn more about how to add a block to your dashboard at Customizing the dashboard).

The block will look as below:

Clicking on one of the items in that list will directly lead you to the related training at the user management page:

The users who require a validation will have a "Waiting for validation" text in the "Enrolled since" column. You can directly click on that "Waiting for validation" text to validate that user's registration.

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