Opigno LMS User manual

Opigno 3.x User manual


A better tomorrow.
Built on learning.

User Manual

Welcome to the Opigno LMS user manual. This manual is updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest features and best practices for your Opigno LMS instance.

Feel free to send any comment through the contact form on our website https://www.opigno.org

Opigno is a Learning Management System based on Drupal, developed and maintained by Connect-i. Opigno has been design to be fully integrated with any Drupal platform (website, intranet, extranet, …) and offer a maximum flexibility to be extended. It is released under the GNU GPLv3 licence.
This document provides some useful explanations for the use of Opigno. It is not supposed to be a comprehensive user manual for standard Drupal functionalities, and will be focused on Opigno specific functionalities. For any additional question you can refer to our website www.opigno.org.

Opigno 3 LMS documentation

This documentation refers to Opigno 3.x (based on Drupal 9).

For Opigno 1.x documentation (based on Drupal 7) please visit that URL.
For Opigno 2.x documentation (based on Drupal 8) please visit that URL.

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