Opigno LMS User manual

Managing live meetings

To create a live meeting, users should have “live meeting manager” role (see more at ) and should also be authorized to edit the training contents (either administrator or content manager role at platform level, or local content manager for the training).

To start a live meeting, users should have “live meeting manager” role.

Create a live meeting

Live meetings allow to add interactivity to your trainings, and to organize live sessions with teachers, virtual classrooms, live demos, etc.

To be able to add live meetings to a training, this feature should be enabled by the administrator on your Opigno platform (you can learn more at  ).

Live meeting entity makes possible to manage them in Opigno, have them integrated to the learner's calendar, make them required steps of trainings, register attendance and scores.

Live meetings can be created from step 2 of the Learning path manager.


The creation form requires to enter a title, start and end dates, and some optional members restriction.

Start and end dates can be easily selected using a calendar widget.


If no members restriction is defined, then all the users of that training will be registered to that live meeting.

You can also restrict this live meeting to some specific users. To add one user to the list of restricted ones, you first need to enter the first letter(s) of his name in the text field, to see the list of matching users appear. Then you can select one or several ones, and move them to the right box ("Selected options") by clicking on the arrow.


Once the live meeting is created, users will see notifications in the top right bar of the interface


and on the training's homepage

Start a live meeting

To start a live meeting, first visit the live meeting page (either by clicking in the green notification banner on training's homepage, or on the notification on the top right bar, or on the event in the calendar).

Then click on the "Start the live meeting" area:


Live meetings are perfectly integrated to Opigno, and take place in the same interface.

Register attendance and score to live meetings

You can manage in Opigno the attendance and scores of participants to a live meeting.

To do that, from the Administration menu, click on "Manage and score live meetings".


Then, for the live meeting you want to manage, click on the right wheel pictogram, and the select "Score":


You will be able to set the attendance and score for each participant:


Note: attendance is automatically retrieved by Opigno for the users taking part to the live meeting.

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