Opigno LMS User manual

Main menu

When using the default Opigno 3.0 graphical theme, the main menu is located at the top of the interface.

It contains the following entries:

  • Home: this is the home dashboard

  • Catalogue: this is the training catalogue where you can find your own trainings, and browse the general list of all available trainings

  • Calendar: this is a calendar where you can find all the events related to the trainings (instructor-led sessions, live sessions, meetings/announcements created by the teacher, etc.)

  • Statistics: this menu entry is only displayed for administrators and users with a role allowing to manage users (the level of details visible within these statistics interfaces depends on the permissions, administrators can see everything, users managers at training level can only see the data related to their training)

  • Management: this menu is available for users with additional privileges (for content and/or user management) and offers administrative features (learn more at Administration menu)

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