Opigno LMS User manual

Post-installation tasks

These post-installation tasks will improve the performance of your Opigno instance. It's consequently highly advised to follow them.

Note: as of Opigno 2.21, automated CRON is disabled by default and can be enabled as usual for Drupal module.

Once Opigno is installed, don't forget to add a CRON task, which will highly improve the performance of your Opigno platform. You can find the URL to be called in the menu Report -> Status report (or by visiting the page http://your.domain.tld/admin/reports/status). The CRON task should then be defined as:

*/5 * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1 http://url.to.be.called

in order to setup a CRON task that will run every 5 minutes and where url.to.be.called is the URL displayed in the Status report page.To add a new CRON task on a Debian server, simply type in a terminal crontab -e then paste the instruction above, replace the url, save, and then restart the cron daemon with /etc/init.d/cron restart

On a dedicated server, fine-tuning your MySQL settings can also highly improve Opigno performance. This can be done on a Debian server by editing the file /etc/mysql/my.cnf
You can in particular have a look at :

innodb_buffer_pool_size #(you can define for example 25% to 50% of your total RAM) 
innodb_log_buffer_size #(you can for example use 256M) 
innodb_thread_concurrency #(you can try for example 24 or 48) 
innodb_flush_method #(we advise the O_DIRECT value)

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