User statistics

Opigno LMS User manual

User statistics

General overview

This interface displays the general overview of one user's achievements (badges earned, result for courses, number of page views, ….).

Courses results

This table displays the results of the user for all the courses he is a member of.

This is the number of pages views by this user inside a course.

Avg interactions
This is the average of the number of page views for all the users registered to the course ; it makes possible to compare the number of interactions of the user with the average among all users.

This is the average score of the user for a course, calculated as the average of the scores he obtained for the lessons inside the course.

Avg score
This is the average calculated considering the average score for the course for all users registered to the course (calculation previously explained) ; this makes possible to compare the user's score with the average among all users.

This indicates whether the user has passed the course or not.

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