Presentation of the main menu

Opigno LMS User manual

Presentation of the main menu

The main menu of Opigno has the following entries:

  • Home: the home page of Opigno platform, which is a dashboard containing widgets individually adapted by each user (see below for more information concerning the use). Among the widgets, one of them allows the user to see every recent data added to his courses.
  • My trainings: this section gives the user an overview of all courses he has access to.
  • Training catalogue: the catalogue displays to the user all courses (grouped into classes if applicable) he may subscribe. It means the courses displayed have to be public, and the courses the user has already subscribed are hidden.
  • Forum: the forum page displays to the user all forums he has access to. It means a global forum (platform level, accessible for all users whatever the courses they have access to) and one forum by course the user has access to (if the forum tool was activated for the course).
  • Calendar: the calendar consolidates all the events applicable for the user, which means global events and events for each one of the courses the user has access to. The user has therefore an overview of all his training activities events.
  • Messages: Opigno offers an internal messaging system, allowing users to communicate, depending on the permissions defined. The basis settings only allow managers, teachers and coaches to contact their students. Then students can send and respond to messages to the other members (students, teachers) of their class or course.
  • My achievements: this section gives the student an overview of all his results to classes and courses, and to download his certificates if he passed the test with the minimum score defined in the class/course settings. The user can also drill down into the results to consult the detail by course, lesson, question.
  • Statistics: this section contains graphical dashboards with statistics for the global platform use, statistics per course, and statistics per user.
  • Collaborative workspaces: this section is only visible after enabling the required module (please refer to the dedicated section of this user manual). It makes possible for a user to access all his collaborative workspaces. Collaborative workspaces make possible for users to chat together, share files, share todo lists, and discuss through live meetings.
  • Administration: this section is not visible for students. Managers, teacher, coaches, and of course platform administrators, have access to this section. Some parts are hidden depending on their profiles. Managers, teachers and coaches will find links to manage users (consult their results, send notifications) and the platform administrator will find in addition some interfaces to define global settings for the platform.

The menu can be collapsed by clicking of the following pictogram (at the bottom):

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