Opigno LMS User manual
Training interface and navigation
The training interface (courses and classes) is like below:
On the top bar, at the right of the course's title, are a panel with many buttons, related to all the tools available for this course (documents, video gallery, forum, live conference, …).
On the left side of the screen a global structure of the training is displayed with the list of online lessons, the list of in house lessons (if used) and the list of live conference meetings (if used). For each of them is displayed the duration (or time spent for online lessons) and the score or status obtained.
The main part of the screen contains the content of the training (slides, videos, quizzes).
On the right side of the course / class main page, a "Start" button allows to start the training with its first lesson, or resume at the latest position visited by the user.
Then it's possible to carry out the complete training by clicking on the "Next" buttons. After a lesson is completed, a button "To next lesson" is displayed and allows to go to the next lesson:
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