Instructor-led trainings

Opigno LMS User manual

Instructor-led trainings

Instructor-led trainings are in-house sessions, organized by a teacher, that can be managed within Opigno, so that you can have the full visibility in Opigno of all your activities.

They can be mandatory steps of a training, the teacher can set in Opigno the attendance of each participant and give them a grade. In case you did not attended a mandatory instructor-led training, you won't be able to successfully pass the training.

In case a new instructor-led training has been created with you as a participant, you will see a notification on the top right bar in the header:

By clicking on the pictogram above, a box opens and displays the upcoming instructor-led trainings.

You can click on one of them to arrive on a page where you can learn more about that activity.

You will also receive a notification email when the instructor-led training is created, and another email 24 hours before. These emails will contain ical file that you can just click to add the event into your local calendar (for example Outlook).

In case of upcoming instructor-led session, you will also see a banner at the top of the training interface, reminding that upcoming session.

Instructor-led trainings are fully integrated in the learning path, and they appear on the training's main page as a step like modules.

They are also added to your Opigno calendar. You can click on "See the training" to see more details.

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