1. Install required modules with Composer:

    composer require drupal/jwt drupal/restui

  2. Enable module "Opigno Mobille App":

    drush en opigno_mobile_app

  3. Configure "JWT" settings (you need to create a key and add JWT configuration - how to do it you can find here)

Push notifications

If you want to use push notifications on your mobile app follow the next steps:

  1. Enable module "Opigno One Signal"

    drush en opigno_onesignal

  2. Go to One signal and create applications with push notification credentials. NOTE: If you want to use different platforms (Web, iOS, Android) you need to create an application for each of there platforms;
  3. Download One signal web SDK and put them to your root folder (in the same level as the file "index.php" exists). NOTE: These need only if you want to use push notifications for Web platform;
  4. Put these credentials here - admin/config/services/onesignal