In order to install Opigno you need to have:

PHP configuration

For the installation, and for an optimal performance, Opigno requires at least 256Mo memory for PHP (ideally 512Mo). This can be defined on a Debian server by editing the file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and by changing the value of the line memory_limit, for example to have it like this: memory_limit = 512M.

We also recommend having this value in php.ini in order to avoid problems during the installation: xdebug.max_nesting_level = 200

Then, don't forget to restart the Apache service (service apache2 restart on Debian servers) to have the modifications taken into account.

The following PHP addons are required:

allow_url_fopen has to be enabled.

MySQL configuration

MySQL setting max_allowed_packet should be set to 20M or more.

It's also highly recommended to have a particular care on the tuning of your MySQL settings (max connections, query cache, buffer cache, ...) according to your server capacity.

You should also have a look at:

innodb_buffer_pool_size #(you can define for example 25% to 50% of your total RAM)
innodb_log_buffer_size #(you can for example use 256M)
innodb_thread_concurrency #(you can try for example 24 or 48)
innodb_flush_method #(we advise the O_DIRECT value)

Training import feature

In order to run the feature allowing to import trainings, you need to:

Powerpoint import feature

Note: this feature can only be enabled on a Linux server.

In order to run the feature allowing Powerpoint import, you need to:

<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />